First, EA is back to SG! She went Germany to work but only back for a few days. Chok and i met up with her on Wed and also to give Chok her pressie for her birthday on Tues, too bad work caught up with me again, have last min confern call at the shopping mall bef joining them for dinner at Jap Ramen place, sorry gals for spoiling the nite for being too occupied with work =<
Another interesting thing is the department team event which has been scheduled on 5th Sep afternoon @ Sentosa Siloso beach. Expected to be another rainy day but it turn out to be otherwise. A colleague and i was arrowed to be the organiser. We have planned and prepared for the event for a mth and it turned out to be a success! So happy to see everyone enjoying the games and having fun. =D The dinner at Coastes was yummy too.
We have the following team building games after splitting about 20 people to 2 teams:
1. Each team fill up 100 water bombs in the shorter time, the team will lose 20 water bombs to winning team.
2. Each team will hold hands and walk through pre-planned numbered cardboards. The team will have to redo if any members leave a card board empty while advancing. They will be tanger up in the process..hee (Slower team will lose 20 water bombs)
3. Frisbee - win by 3 pts advantage. (team lose 20 water bombs to winning team)
4. Sand castle - 4 members of each team will come fwd to look at a pic and communicate to the team how to build the castle accordingly. (team lose 20 water bombs to winning team) Below is the winning sand castle.
5. War Time - Where both team will attack each other with their winning water bomb.
Of cos, the organiser were not spared at the end of the day. We are being attacked as well. But, it feel real good to carry out the team building event successfully and having fun with the team, that's a sense of achievement..hee.
Oh...this is one of the scenary photos i taken at Sentosa Siloso Beach - Coastes place where we have our dinner. I like this sea view :)